Α.   Περιλήψεις δημοσιευμένες σε περιοδικά του SCI

  1. ZALONIS I, GATZONIS S, SPANAKI M, MANTOYVALOS V, CHIONI A, PAPAGEORGIOU C. Neuropsychological test performance in epilepsy. 21st International Epilepsy Congress, Sydney Australia, 1995. EPILEPSIA,36: S125, 1995.


  1. GATZONIS S, SPANAKI M, KOLINDOU A, MANTOYVALOS V, KOSTAMIS P, PAPAGEORGIOU C. Comparative study of SPECT, CT, MRI and long-term video-EEG in epileptic patients. 21st International Epilepsy Congress, Sydney, Australia, 1995. EPILEPSIA, 36: S123, 1995.


  1. GATZONIS S, SPANAKI M, MANTOYVALOS V, CHIONI A, PAPAGEORGIOU C. Seizures as a manifestation of systemic diseases. 21st International Epilepsy Congress, Sydney, Australia, 1995.  EPILEPSIA, 36: S232, 1995.


  1. ZAMBA E, SPANAKI M, BARDANIS G, GATZONIS S, MANTOYVALOS V, CHIONI A, PAPAGEORGIOU C.            Late onset seizures: aetiology, type of seizures and diagnostic evaluation. 21st International Epilepsy Congress, Sydney, Australia, 1995. EPILEPSIA,36: S193, 1995.


  1. GATZONIS S, SPANAKI M, PARASKEVOULAKOS E, MANTOYVALOS V, CHIONI A, PAPAGEORGIOU C.            The clinical characteristics of patient suffering from pseudo-seizures. Second European Congress of Epileptology. The Hague, The Netherlands 1996.  EPILEPSIA, 37(S4):14, 1996.


  1. LINARDATOS D, GATZONIS S, MANTOYVALOS V, SIAFAKAS A, KALOUPSIDIS N, PAPAGEORGIOU C. Calculation of the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents in EEG. Second European Congress of Epileptology. The Hague, The Netherlands 1996. EPILEPSIA, 37(S4):154, 1996.


  1. ANAGNOSTOULI M, GATZONIS S, MANTOYVALOS V, GOURTZELIDIS P, SEGDITSA I, PAPAGEORGIOU C. MHC class I and class II typing in Greek epileptic patients. Second European Congress of Epileptology. The Hague, The Netherlands, 1996. EPILEPSIA, 37(S4):44, 1996.


  1. GATZONIS S, LAIAKI A, VOUTSINAS P, MANTOYVALOS V, SIAFAKAS A, POLITOU A, KALAMAFKIANAKI K, SPANAKI M, KOUNTOURI D, CHIONI A, PAPAGEORGIOU C. A case of fever after antiepileptic treatment. 22st International Congress of Epilepsy. Dublin 1997. EPILEPSIA, 38(S3):68, 1996.


  1. GATZONIS S, KALAMAFKIANAKI K, DALAMANGA A, MANTOYVALOS V, SIAFAKAS A, POLITOU A, VOUTSINAS P, CHIONI A, PAPAGEORGIOU C. Reversible anaemia after add-on treatment with topiramate in a patient suffer from refractory epilepsy and stigma thalassemia. 22st International Congress of Epilepsy. Dublin 1996. EPILEPSIA, 38(S3):68, 1996.


  1. GATZONIS S, LINARDATOS D, MANTOYVALOS V, SIAFAKAS A, PAPAGEORGIOU C. Dimensionality estimation of adult human EEG. 14th International Congress of EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology. Florence, Italy, 1997. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 103:158, 1997.


  1. MITSIKOSTAS D.D., GATZONIS S, THOMAS A, ILIAS A, PAPAGEORGIOU C. Buspirone versus amitriptyline in the treatment of chronic tension-type headache. 8thCongress of the International Headache Society. Amsterdam 1997. CEPHALALGIA 17:448, 1997.


  1. YAPIJAKIS C, ANAGNOSTOULI M, YOUROUKOS S, GATZONIS S, VASSILOPOULOS D. Evidence for exclusion of the drpla gene as a major candidate gene for juvenile myoclonic epilepsy in Caucasians. ESHG European Human Genetics Conference 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2000. EUROPEAN JOURNAL of Human Genetics,8(s1), 2000.


  1. GATZONIS S, GEORGACULIAS N, GIANNAKODIMOS S, MITSOS A, JENKINS A, KARAGEORGIOU K, SINGOUNAS E, LEVENTIS A, SAKAS D. Vagus nerve stimulation for intractable epilepsy. The Greek experience. 4th European Congress on Epileptology, Firenze 2000. Epilepsia, 41:97, 2000.


  1. ANAGNOSTOULI M, GIOUROUKOS S, GATZONIS S, YAPIJAKIS CH, NIKOLAOU CH, VASSILOPOULOS D. Human leucocyte antigens and immunoglobulin in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.  1st European Histocompatibility Conference, 1999, Crete, Greece. HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY, 60 (S1):570, 1999.


  1. ROUPAKIOTIS S, GATZONIS S, ZALONIS Y, LIAKOPOULOS D, MANTOYVALOS V. Agenesis of the corpus callosum and epilepsy. 7th European Conference “Epilepsy and Society-2000” 2000, Athens, Greece.  SEIZURE, 9:527, 2000.


  1. ROUPAKIOTIS S, GATZONIS S, TRIANTAFYLLOU N, CHIONI A, MANTOYVALOS V, SIAFAKAS A. Psychological problems in epileptics detected by a screening inventory. 7th European Conference Epilepsy and Society-2000. Athens, Greece. SEIZURE, 9:527, 2000.


  1. GEORGACULIASN, GATZONIS S, GIANNAKODIMOS S, SINGOUNAS E, SAKAS D.  Vagus nerve stimulation for intractable epilepsy: Αnatomical, Physiological and Theoretical basis for its efficacy. 7th European Conference “Epilepsy and Society-2000”. Athens, Greece. SEIZURE, 9:511, 2000.


  1. KORFIAS S, GATZONIS S, GEORGACULIAS N, SINGOUNAS E, and SAKAS D. Athens epilepsy surgery group: a report of first treated cases and the presurgical evaluation protocol. 7th Mediterranean Epilepsy Conference, 2001, Athens, Greece. Epileptic Disorders, 4:62, 2002.


  1. VASILOPOULOU D, ATHANASOPOULOU C, FILIPPOU D, KALFAKIS N, RENTZOS M, GATZONIS S. Epilepsy awareness among students of social welfare. 7th Mediterranean Epilepsy Conference, 2001, Athens, Greece. Epileptic Disorders, 4:67, 2002.


  1. KORFIAS S, SAKAS D, GATZONIS S, KOUYIALIS A, GEORGACULIAS N, SINGOUNAS E. Athens Epilepsy Surgery Group: Review of 25 Treated Cases, Problems and Implications Encountered in Establishing Service. 15th Congress of Eur Soc for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Toulouse 2002. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 144(10): 3.1, 2002.


  1. 21. KORFIAS S, GATZONIS S, GEORGACULIAS N, SINGOUNAS E, SAKAS D.  Extratemporal cortical resection in five cases of intractable epilepsy. Epilepsia 45: (S3) 188-188,


  1. KORFIAS S, SAKAS D, GATZONIS S, GEORGACULIAS N, KOUYIALIS A, SINGOUNAS E. Intraoperative Electroencephalography in Temporal and Extratemporal Epilepsy Surgery. 16th Congress of Eur Soc for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Vienna 2004. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA, 146(8): P15, 2004.


  1. SAKAS D, GEORGACULIAS N, SIATOUNI A, KORFIAS S, MARATHEFTIS N, ANGELOPOULOS E, PAPATHANASIOU M, PARASKEYOULAKOS E, SYRIGOY PAPAVASILEIOY, PATSOURIS E, SINGOUNAS E, GATZONIS S. Case Report of a patient with refractory epilepsy due to extensive multi-focal epileptogenic zone treated with combined surgical procedure.  7th European Congress on Epileptology, 2006 Helsinki. Epilepsia, 47(S3):215, 2006.


  1. POLYCHRONAKI G, STOITSIS J, TSIROGIANNIS G, GIANNAKAKIS G, PSEGIANNAKIS A, GATZONIS S, CHATZIS A, SIATOUNI A, STEFANATOU M, ANGELOPOULOS E, BALTOGIANNIS C, SDROLIAS P, SINGOUNAS E, SAKAS D, NIKITA K.  Design and development of a web based database system for the management and analysis of epilepsy patients data: EPILepsy DΑtabase EPILDA 7th European Congress on Epileptology, 2006 Helsinki. Epilepsia, 47(S3):67, 2006.




  1. ANGELAKIS E, DEDE E, LIOUTA E, PATRIKELIS P, FLASKAS TH, GATZONIS S, SAKAS D. Detecting higher cortical function in patients with pervasive vegetative or minimally conscious state with qEEG coherence 3rd International Congress on Brain & Behavior, Thessaloniki, 2007. Αnals of General Psychiatry, 7: S359, 2007.


  1. Gkouziouta A., Leontiadis E., Adamopoulos S., Manginas A, Karavolias G., Soufleri L., Gkatzonis S., Tsourelis L., Sfirakis P., and. Alivizatos P.A.  691 Cerebrovascular accidents in patients with a ventricular assist device.  Eur J Heart Fail S7: 174, 2008.


  1. Siatouni A., GATZONIS S, GEORGACULIAS n., bouras T., tsekou ch, syngounas e., agelopoulos e., papathanasiou M., agelakis E, patrikelis p, Κonstandinidis k, kaskarelis i, fassaris i., patsouris e. and. Sakas d. Epilepsy Surgery in Athens. 8th European Congress on Epileptology (ECE): Berlin, 2009, EPILEPSIA, 50;140 (S4), 2009.


  1. 29. Bouras T., Gatzonis S., Georgakoulias N., Panourias I.G., Siatouni A., Anagnostopoulos C., Tsekou C., Sakas D.E. Two-stage intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) for the localization of the epileptogenic foci in extra-temporal epilepsy. European Congress of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Rimini, Italy, 2008. ACTA NEUROCHIR 150:959,


  1. 30. Stavrinou L.C, Boviatsis E.J., Themistocleous M, Stathis P., Tagaris G., Gatzonis S., Panourias IG, Sakas DE:  Treatment of primary camptocormia (dystonic bent spine) by chronic electrical stimulation of the globus pallidus internus (GPi): report of two cases European Congress of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Rimini, Italy, 2008. ACTA NEUROCHIR 150:948,


  1. 31. Panourias I.G., Boviatsis E., Themistocleous M., Konofaou V., Bouras T.I, Flaskas T.N., Stavrinou L., Gatzonis S., Sakas D.E:  Intrathecal baclofen therapy in the management of severe spasticity of cerebral or spinal origin: a case series of 84 patients from a single Neurosurgical Unit European Congress of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Rimini, Italy, 2008. ACTA NEUROCHIR 150:940,


  1. MARGETIS K, KORFIAS S, BOUTOS N, PAPAGEORGIOU G, KOUTRAS K, SIDERIS A, BAGIAKIS E, PAPADOPOULOU-DAIFOTI I, DEDE E, LOUFARDAKI M, GATZONIS S, STRANJALIS G, BOVIATSIS E, SAKAS DE. Intrathecal baclofen infusion: A tool for the study of Gaba B receptors. XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3), 667–761, 2011.


  1. MARGETIS K, KORFIAS S, BOUTOS N, FLASKAS T, GATZONIS S, PANOURGIAS I, STRANJALIS G, BOVIATSIS E, SAKAS DE. Special consideration on intrathecal baclophen for the treatment of secondary dystonia. XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3),667–761, 2011.


  1. Papasilekas t, korfias s, mpairamidis e, Gatzonis.s, siatouni A, GEORGAKOULIAS N, SINGOUNAS E. SAKAS DE. Vagus nerve stimulation in severe intractable epilepsy. XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3),667–761, 2011.


  1. mpairamidis e, korfias s, Papasilekas t, Nanidis n, Gatzonis s, siatouni a, GEORGAKOULIAS N, SINGOUNAS E, SAKAS DE. Temporal epilepsy surgery: our experience.  XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3),667–761, 2011.


  1. angelakis e, liouta e, patrikelis p, Gatzonis s, siatouni a, GEORGAKOULIAS N, DEDE E, SAKAS DE. Cognitive improvement after neurosurgical treatment of intractable epilepsy. XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3),667–761, 2011.


  1. Nanidis n, korfias s, Gatzonis s, mpairamidis e, SAKAS DE. Starfix: A custom surgical platform for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3),667–761, 2011.


  1. 38. margetis k, korfias s, boutos n, flaskas t, lagos P, GATZONIS s, STRANJALIS G, BOVIATSIS E, SAKAS DE. Intrathecal baclofen infusion: Strategies for optimizing patient safety. XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3),667–761,


  1. GEORGAKOULIAS N, korfias s, Papasilekas t, mpairamidis E, SIATOUNI a, Gatzonis s, SINGOUNAS E, SAKAS DE. Trasncortical T2 selective amygdalohippocampectomy for the treatment of drug resistant MTLE with the use of a new self-retaining brain refractor. XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3), 667–761, 2011.


  1. bouras T, GATZONIS s, GEORGAKOULIAS N,  karatza m, siatouni a, tsekou ch, KONSTANTINIDIS K, PAPATHANASIOU M, SAKAS DE. Two-stage preoperative intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) aiming to the precise localization of obscure epileptic foci in cases of extra-temporal epilepsy. XIX Congress European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Athens 2010. Acta Neurochir 153 (3),667–761, 2011.


  1. 41. ZHSIMOPOULOU, M. MAMALI, A. SIATOUNI, A. VERENTZIOTI, A. TAVERNARAKIS, S. GATZONIS. The value of lumbar puncture in the diagnostic evaluation of a first unproved epileptic seizure. 16th Congress of EFNS, Stockholm, 2012. European Journal of Neurology, 19:2012.


  1. M. GEITONA, H. KOUSOULAKOU, V. CARAYIANNI, C. BALTOGIANNIS, K. GARGANIS, S. GATZONIS, S. GIANNAKODIMOS, A. KODOUNIS, G. NASIOS, P. POLYCHRONOPOULOS, P. CHRISTOU, G. KARACHALIOS, S. PALAISTIS, D. THEODORATOU. Economic evaluation of lacosamide in the management of epileptic partial onset seizures in Greece. ISPOR 17th European Congress. Amsterdam 2014.  Value Health. 17(7): A397-8, 2014.


  1. Zis P, Anagnostopoulos C, Giakoumettis D, Siatouni A, Verentzioti A, Tavernarakis A, Sakkas D, Strantzalis G, Gatzonis S. Characteristics of patients with non-traumatic, aneurysmal, subarachnoid hemorrhage. World Congress of neurology. Chile 2015. J Neurol Sci 357, S1, e1-e512. 2015.


  1. Περιλήψεις μη δημοσιευμένες σε περιοδικά του SCI
  2. 44. YEROUKALIS D, GATZONIS S, ALEVIZOS V, STEFANIS C. Effect of propranolol isomers on monoamine neurons in rat cerebellum. July 9-14 1978, 11thI.N.P. Congress Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacology. Vienna, Austria, 1978.


  1. 45. YFANTOPOULOS J, GATZONIS S. Economic cycles and mental health policy in G 12-19 Οκτ 1989 VIII World Congress of Psychiatry. Athens 1989.


  1. 46. LINARDATOS D, GATZONIS S. Testing the presence of nonlinearities in EEG signal. III international summer School of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Siena, Italy, 1999.


  1. PRAPAS SN, PANAGIOTOU MS, GATZONIS SD, ASTRAS GM, PAPADAKIS EG, TRIANTAFILLOU CD, GEROULANOS SJ, PALATIANOS GM. Off-pump coronary artery bypass is associated with reduced neurological morbitity. Eurosurgery 2000, Tenth anniversary of Eurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000.


  1. 48. VASSILOPOULOU D, ATHANASOPOULOU CH, ROUPAKIOTIS S.C., TRIANTAFYLLOU N, CHIONI A, MANTOUVALOS V, SIAFAKAS A, GATZONIS S.D. Social adjustment of epileptics estimated by a screening inventory. 7th European Conference Epilepsy and Society-2000. Athens, Greece, 2000.


  1. 49. ROUPAKIOTIS S, GATZONIS S, KALAMAFKIANAKI K, TRIANTAFYLLOU N, CHIONI A, ZOURNAS CH, MANTOYVALOS V, SIAFAKAS A. Follow-up and compliance of epileptics. 7th European Conference Epilepsy and Society-2000, Athens, Greece,


  1. KALAMAFKIANAKI K, GATZONIS S, MANTOYVALOS V. Topiramate as add on treatment in patients with refractory epilepsy. 7th European Conference Epilepsy and Society-2000, Athens, Greece, 2000.


  1. 51. MICHALOPOULOS A, PALATIANOS G, GATZONIS S, PAPADAKIS E, KRIARAS I, CHRONI D, PALAZIS L, GEROULANOS S, PAPADIMITRIOU L. Determinants and predictors of a major perioperative stroke after open heart surgery. 2nd International Meeting of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens, Greece,


  1. BOUZAS E, GATZONIS S, KARADIMAS P, GATZONIS S, ROUNGAS C. Rétinopathie associée à l`usage de clonazepam. 107 Congres de la Société Française d`Ophtalmologie, Paris, France, 2001.


  1. KORFIAS S, GEORGAKOULIAS N, KIMONIDOU V, BALTOGIANNIS C, GATZONIS S, SDROLIAS P, KOUYIALIS A, BOVIATSIS E, STRANJALIS G, PAPAVLASOPOULOS F, SINGOUNAS E, SAKAS DE. Vagal nerve stimulation in severe intractable epilepsy. International Symposium on Neuromodulation, Athens, Greece, 2003.


  1. KORFIAS S, GEORGAKOULIAS N, KIMONIDOU V, BALTOGIANNIS C, GATZONIS S, SDROLIAS P, KOUYIALIS A, BOVIATSIS E, STRANJALIS G, PAPAVLASOPOULOS F, SINGOUNAS E, SAKAS D.E. The management of intractable epilepsy by vagal nerve stimulation.  2nd Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2003.


  1. KORFIAS S, SAKAS D.E., GEORGAKOULIAS N, GATZONIS S, KIMΟNIDOU V, BALTOGIANNIS C, KOUYIALIS A, SDROLIAS P, SINGOUNAS E. Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery: minimizing the extent of resection on the basis of intraoperative electro-corticography. 2nd Joint Meeting of the Greek and German Societies of Neurosurgery, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2003.


  1. SAKAS D.E., KORFIAS S, GATZONIS S, GEORGAKOULIAS N, STRANJALIS G, BALTOGIANNIS C, KIMΟNIDOU V, KOUYIALIS A, SINGOUNAS E. The value of intraoperative electrocorticography (ECOG) for tailoring resections in epilepsy due to mesial temporal sclerosis. 12th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003.


  1. SAKAS D.E., GATZONIS S, KORFIAS S, KOUYIALIS A, GEORGAKOULIAS N, BOVIATSIS E, STRANJALIS G, SINGOUNAS E. Vagal nerve stimulation in severe intractable epilepsy. Experience in 15 patients. 6th INS World Congress, Madrid, Spain, 2004.


  1. 58. ANGELOPOULOS E, GATZONIS S, PANAGOPOULOS G, MOURTZOU-CHOU P, TSEKOU CH, MANTONAKIS J, DASKALOPOULOU E, PAPADIMITRIOU, SOLDATOS C. Schizophrenia as a neuronal misconnection syndrome: Implication for treatment 5th International Congress of the Neuropsychiatric Association 1st Mediterranean Congress of the International Neuropsychiatric Association, Athens, Greece,


  1. Angelopoulos E., Gatzonis S., Panagopoulos G., Mourtzou-chou P., Tsekou H., Mantonakis J., Sardi H., Daskalopoulou E., Rabavilas A.: Neuronal Sensitization as an Augmentation Therapy to Treatment- Resistant Schizophrenia 5th International Congress of the Neuropsychiatric Association.  1rst Mediterranean Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry, Athens, Greece, 2006.


  1. POLYCHRONAKI G, Ktonas p, GATZONIS S, SIATOUNI A, TSEKOY CH, STEFANATOU M, SAKAS D, NIKITA K.  Estimating the average amount of common information in scalp EEG recordings towards pre-ictal state discrimination 3rd International Workshop on Seizure Prediction, Freiburg Germany, 2007.


  1. 61. POLYCHRONAKI G, KTONAS P, GATZONIS S, SIATOUNI A, ASVESTAS P, SPANOY E, TSEKOU H, SAKAS D, NIKITA K: Comparison of fractal dimension estimation algorithms for epileptic seizure onset detection. BIBE , Athens, Greece, 2008.  


  1. Sakas ED, Panourias I, Boviatsis E, THEMISTOCLEOUS M, Angelopoulos E, GATZONIS S. Treatment of Tourette syndrome with self-injurious imminent blindness by bilateral chronic electrical stimulation of the globus pallidus internus: report of a case. 8th World Conf of the International Neuromodulation Society, Acapulco, Mexico, 2007.


  1. 63. Polychronaki G, Ktonas P, Gatzonis S, Siatouni A, Asvestas P, Tsekou H, SAKAS D, Nikita K. Utilizing a fixed-mass fractal dimension estimation approach towards automated epileptic seizure onset detection: a feasibility study 4th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction, Kansas, 2009.


  1. 64. Kosma A, Flaskas T, Georgakoulias N, Themistokleous M, Mpouras A., Gatzonis S., D. Sakas. Neurosurgical strategy planning for atypical facial pain. Pain Unit and Palliative Care, Macerata, Italy, 2009


  1. 6 A.Siatouni, S. Gatzonis, N. Georgakoulias, S. Korfias, Ch. Tsekou, T. Bouras, T. Papasilekas, E. Aggelopoulos, Μ. Papathanassiou, P. Patrikelis, Ι. Κaskarellis, I FASSARIS, Ε. Patsouris, D. Sakas. Epilepsy Surgery for refractory extratemporal epilepsies. Up to ten years follow up.  10th ECE – London 2012.


  1. 66. VERENTZIOTI, A. Siatouni, S. Gatzonis. Experience with Lacosamide in a series of adults with drug resistant focal epilepsy. 10th ECE – London 2012


  1. 67. A. SIATOUNI, S. Gatzonis, N. Georgakoulias, Ch. Tsekou, T. Bouras, Ε. Sigounas, H Aggelopoulos, Μ. PAPATHANASSIOU, Aggelakis, P. Patrikelis, Ι. Κaskarellis, Ε. Patsouris, D. SAKAS. Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Results of an epilepsy surgery unit with up to ten years follow up. 10th ECE – London 2012


  1. 68. Kampra, A. Siatouni, A. Verentzioti, N. Tzerakis, G. Androutsos, E. Katsarou, S. Gatzonis.  School years for children with epilepsy in Greece: A voice coming from parents and children.  10th ECE – London 2012


  1. 69. Verenzioti N, Siatouni A, Nikolakis DP, Kefalonitis G, Tavernarakis A, POLITIS K, Gatzonis S. Epilepsy and Driving. Do the strict rules help? Results from a short questionnaire in an epilepsy center. 10th ECE – London


  1. N. Andreadis, M. Papadatou-Pastou, S. Gatzonis, M. Atzampou, M. Ntouskou. Neural underpinnings of autobiographical memory recall under induced negative mood. BPS Nottingham 2016.


  1. S. Gatzonis, K. Margetis, N. Boutos, A. Siatouni, E.

Boviatsis, D. Sakas. Evaluating the effectiveness and safety of the intrathecal baclofen for the symptomatic treatment of the MS-related spasticity. ACTRIMS ECTRIMS join meeting, Boston 2014.